Submission Preparation Checklist
⬜ General Requirements
✅ The submission meets the Author Guidelines.
✅ The manuscript has not been previously published and is not under consideration elsewhere.
✅ The document is formatted in MS Word and has been submitted electronically.
✅ The abstract does not exceed 250 words.
✅ The submission adheres to the word limit specified for its category:
- Research Articles: 10,000 words
- Review Papers: 14,000 words
- Perspective Articles: 6,000 words
- Editorials: Reserved for guest editors
⚖️ Ethical & Compliance Requirements
⚠️ Studies involving human participants or animals must include a clear ethical approval process in the manuscript.
⚠️ If the study does not involve human participants or animals, authors must explicitly state this in the Acknowledgements section.
⚠️ Without full compliance, the paper will not be accepted for publication.
✅ Conflicts of interest and funding disclosures must be included, if applicable.
✅ Plagiarism and self-plagiarism checks must be completed before submission.
⬜ Title & Article Information
✅ The title does not exceed the set length specified in the ABC2 submission guidelines.
✅ A title page is included, containing:
- Full name and affiliation of each author
- Brief professional biography of each author
- Corresponding author's name and email
- Structured abstract (max 250 words)
- A maximum of eight keywords
- Classification of the article, if applicable
⬜ Content & Structure
✅ The manuscript follows a structured format, including:
- Abstract (max 250 words)
- Introduction
- Main sections relevant to the study (Methods, Literature Review, Perspectives, etc.)
- Results & Discussion
- Conclusion (Must include thought-provoking insights and recommendations for further research)
- References
✅ The entire paper must be proofread before submission.
✅ If the language quality does not meet the required standard, authors must use a professional language editing service and submit a certificate evidencing that the submission has been reviewed and edited by a professional service..
✅ The journal offers language editing at £25 per 1,000 words.
⬜ Figures & Tables
✅ Figures and tables must be high-quality, consistent, and clearly readable.
✅ Captions must be well-structured and informative.
✅ All figures and tables must be numbered consecutively and referenced correctly.
✅ Where figures and tables are reproductions/non-original content, permissions must be obtained and documented.
✅ Tables must be submitted as a separate file and clearly labeled within the manuscript.
⬜ References & Citation Requirements
✅ References must follow the journal’s modified APA style.
✅ Use EndNote for reference management (preferred).
✅ Download the journal's EndNote style file from:
- ABC2 Endnote Template
✅ Each reference must have at least one of the following: - DOI (for journal articles)
- ISBN (for books only)
- URL (even for journal articles without a DOI) with the last access date specified
❌ References that do not meet these criteria must be removed.
✅ All references must be sorted in alphabetical order.
✅ Authors are encouraged to cite relevant articles published in DFBI to maintain continuity in the journal’s discourse.
⬜ Formatting of Accepted Manuscripts
✅ Once a paper is accepted, it is the author's responsibility to format the manuscript according to the journal’s official template.
✅ Download the official templates here:
⚠️ If the author is unable to format the manuscript, the publisher will impose a £150 service charge to complete the formatting.
Copyright Notice
ABC2 is an open-access journal distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). View this license’s legal deed at <>
Authors retain copyright of their articles, but grant ABC2 Publishing and ABC2 Journal the right of the first publication. More about <ABC2 Policies>
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.