Authorship Criteria and Responsibilities


Anyone identified as an author must have made a substantial intellectual contribution to the research and to the writing of the article. They must be willing to take a shared responsibility in the research and in the article and approve the final version to be published. Anyone who does not fulfil these criteria but has contributed to either the research or the writing of the article should be acknowledged and thanked in the “Acknowledgements” section at the end of the article.


Any changes to authorship either during the peer review process or after acceptance must be confirmed by all named authors, and a reason for any addition/removal provided to the Co-Editors-in-Chief.


Ideally, the contribution of each named author should be given in a “Contributor list” at the end of each article (e.g. “FR and AS conceived the study and were responsible for the design and development of the data analysis. AS, FR and ML were responsible for data collection and analysis. FR and AS were responsible for data interpretation. ML wrote the first draft of the article.”).

Information about article preparation and how to submit can be found here <Guidelines for Authors>


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